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Made for All Gentle Body Cleanser

Všetky typy pleti vrátane citlivej

A gentle, biodegradable body wash for the whole family, ages 3+.

Made for All Gentle Body Cleanser

Made for All Gentle Body Cleanser

A gentle, biodegradable body wash for the whole family, ages 3+.

Stara cena Nova cena 4 300,00 RSD
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Rezervišite konsultaciju u prodavnici da biste dobili svoju personalizovanu rutinu nege kože.
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Made with 95% naturally-derived* ingredients, this biodegradable body wash with Aloe Vera and Soap Tree Extract leaves skin feeling clean and fresh. Freshen up from head-to-toe with our gentle body cleanser. Whether you are tall or small, this shower gel is safe for all skin types and ages 3+.


*We consider ingredients to be naturally derived if they retain more than 50% of their molecular structure after being processed from a natural source.

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