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Bath and Shower Liquid Body Cleanser

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Nežan i osvežavajući gel za tuširanje.

Bath and Shower Liquid Body Cleanser

Bath and Shower Liquid Body Cleanser

Nežan i osvežavajući gel za tuširanje.

Stara cena Nova cena 7 300,00 RSD
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Rezervišite konsultaciju u prodavnici da biste dobili svoju personalizovanu rutinu nege kože.
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Naš aromatični proizvod za tuširanje kožu ostavlja čistom i prijatnog osećaja. Unapredite svoju rutinu tuširanja sa našim osvežavajućim i efikasnim penušavim gelom za tuširanje. Prepustite se penušavoj kupki ili se osvežite sa ovom nežnom formulom.

Your Favorite Formula, Now Refillable
Did You Know?

Your Favorite Formula, Now Refillable

Did You Know?
In Kiehl’s ongoing mission to reduce our environmental impact, this beloved formula now comes in a refillable pouch! Made with 82% less plastic, one pouch replaces five plastic bottles to help reduce the amount of single-use plastic on your favorite Kiehl’s purchases. As we continue on our way to a Future Made Better together, select our refill pouches for less plastic used and more formula to love!
PDP Routine Section

Upotpunite svoju rutinu

Otkrijte efikasne formule koje će unaprediti Vašu rutinu.
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